Hello world!

07 May 2010 | By admin in Uncategorized

Here is new blog of NotCaptcha script. The last one has beed disabled by GoDaddy hosting =(

So, here you can try NotCaptcha script in action. Just comment this post :-)

Some information about NotCaptcha:
This is the script for defense of your sites from bots (autoregistration, autocomments, autoposting, autosubmit and so on).
A special feature of the script is that user does not have to input any symbols. He just has to chose their correct position (turn them). Now it is quite easy to enter captcha, but bots can’t do this.
However, it is better to try it – try add comment.

Do not do antispam like this Crazy Captcha

Download NotCaptcha for wordpress from WordPress Plugin Directory

Leave a Comment

Before you submit form:
Human test by Not Captcha

399 Comments on “Hello world!”

  1. Hello ALL =)


  2. Cool!


  3. I love this add on …what a great idea :) I love your example of CrazyCaptcha. It’s apparently much harder for anyone to register on that site :) You really should contact that webmaster and convince them to switch over :)


  4. Nice…


  5. cool


  6. Interesting concept…


  7. genial!


  8. Very nice! =)


  9. test


  10. This is coment!


  11. Hi, can I use this NonCaptcha for Blogger (blogspot.com)?


  12. Trying.


  13. Functions


  14. too good


  15. haha AWESOMESAUCE!


  16. Cool!!!


  17. best test


  18. It’s really works )) Thank you ))


  19. What a nice idea!


  20. Wow


  21. Booo :)


  22. This is genious!


  23. Lustig… :-)


  24. Desu ^_~


  25. WOW! It’s good!!


  26. test of captcha


  27. Okay…so WP3.0 came out…and they’ve changed some things including the comment.php file :/ I’m gonna save you alot of frustration and tell you that you REALLY DO WANT TO BACK UP YOUR FILES & DATABASE. In addition you might want to MANUALLY install the update. I had to do that to my site http://www.moonlightchi.com. Luckily, I didn’t lose anything but WP3.0 was spitting out blank pages and 404 referers until I got WP3.0 installed manually by deleting everything via FTP and manually uploading…what a pain !


  28. Fantastic Captcha plugin!


  29. Capcha better


  30. Awesome


  31. Perfect and simply captcha!


  32. wp 3.0 and notcaptcha 1.2 installed and get deny message when trying the notcaptcha options page.

    something problem with current_user_can() function?


  33. The link in the plugin options menu works:

    The link in the plugin overview description doesnt work:



  34. hi


  35. Genious captcha!


  36. Excellent method


  37. Howdy y’all




  39. Really cool! Is there a version for Joomla-based sites?


  40. amazing!


  41. Thats great! :)


  42. всё-таки крутая штука))


  43. test


  44. ddddc xf dgdg dc zz dcv


  45. Hurr derr


  46. Hello world!


  47. kewl


  48. I can do it.


  49. TEST!


  50. Ci saremo anche noi di RH, verr? anche presentato ufficialmente Re.BIT e sar? anche presentato alla conferenza, almeno cosi mi ha detto Federico Salerno.


  51. nice script!


  52. test


  53. Hello, world! :)


  54. [...] de presentar los captchas. Hay formas imaginativas, manipulando im?genes, como es el caso de WPNotCaptcha. Otra opci?n, tambi?n muy sencilla de cara al usuario es la que nos ofrece Ajax Fancy Captcha. Si [...]


  55. Hello World!


  56. хуй!


  57. бля нах


  58. аваыв


  59. so what?


  60. i like


  61. abcdefg


  62. Interesting approach.


  63. Yay


  64. it works!


  65. Fun indeed


  66. This is great!!


  67. wewe


  68. Y helo thar


  69. test


  70. пробный коммент


  71. I lol’d!


  72. It’s genial!


  73. Hello world!


  74. Супер!


  75. Hello)


  76. Wery nice idea. Thanks.


  77. lets try


  78. Probe


  79. It works! :)


  80. test


  81. another test


  82. cool


  83. CooL!


  84. Ну и что ?!


  85. Ntcvn


  86. Hello. Verification CAPTCHA


  87. ni huy ne rabotaet


  88. здорово tvoi-ogorod.ru


  89. Ababa ababa ababa odoru akachan ningen!!!

    Cool feature, bro.


  90. !


  91. жесть


  92. Ololo


  93. Тяжеляк, но очень круто!)))


  94. wow.i.like.it


  95. guess i’m a robot… don’t quite get it…


  96. hi there, it`s a great plugin, is there a way to hide captcha for mobile themes ?? becouse on mobile u can`t arange the images


  97. it very simple can be hacked


  98. not safe


  99. Very nice! =)


  100. !!!


  101. user friendly captcha)


  102. boooom


  103. Nice plugin that works well on comment forms BUT can you give some thought on how to implement this on a Classipress registration page please ???


  104. wooooooooooooooooo metal!!!!!!!!!!!!! chupenla si no les gusta el metal perras culias hijas de puta


  105. You sir, have saved my life. A GENIUS!


  106. Asstastic


  107. о, ебать О_о


  108. Great captcha test, not too hard on your eyes, even interesting


  109. Code optimisation is needed.

    If the user can’t see a captcha then a plug-in shouldn’t generate CSS stylesheet and other code for this user.



  110. What a nice idea!


  111. Отлично


  112. jeeeeeeeejeeeee


  113. Cool! Original! ))))


  114. cRacKeD bY RacScan 2.1.28_r1!


  115. Nice looking add on


  116. nice


  117. hi


  118. aaa


  119. It’s cool!=)))


  120. Great !!


  121. super, where this script download ?


  122. nice.


  123. It’s very COOL!!!


  124. interesting!


  125. Hi,

    Love the look of your Not Captcha plugin.

    One issue I have is that sites that I run it on are starting to get pages indexed in google titled “session error” with URLs like:


    Any ideas what that is about?

    Thank you.



  126. Great idea and great plug-in! Thanks!


  127. Well… Didn’t quite work out as planned. Will try again later. Bt, Really thankz for the post.


  128. Yeh! it is the best captcha! :)


  129. Thats really a nice Plugin… wanna test it on some of my blogs.


  130. The only problem I see with this plugin and all types of captcha plugins is the fact that you would still be denying access to England’s 312,000 people that are registered as blind or partially sighted. And this is in England only. We are not even mentioning the U.S.A. we need to come up with a better way for disabled people to access the internet. For sighted users this is fine, but the unsighted market is huge and needs just as much access as the sighted community. And were just talking about blind people, what about physically disabled and deaf people. Not to mention those that are mute. We as Internet Marketers, bloggers, and article and ebook writers need to consider this when we are creating our websites and products. I’m sure that disabled people would need the same products that we offer to the non-disabled community. Think about it!


  131. testing captcha


  132. ???


  133. This is pretty sweet… you deserve money.. :D


  134. Прелесть. ;)


  135. vertical


  136. Cool


  137. lolld


  138. Very interactive captcha…should tell the programmer to use it somewhere. Thanks/


  139. cool


  140. WOW!!! Very cool


  141. Cooooooooooooool.


  142. amazing idea! )) and funny )) nice!


  143. ololo! it’s cool!


  144. Wonderful idea!


  145. Test!


  146. 234234234


  147. Neat!


  148. I’m not too fond of this type of captcha. I wonder if the average person won’t struggle to figure it out. It’s not in line with the ‘don’t make me think’ principle.


  149. oh, what a good thing! it will be used for http://ommorpg.ru/!


  150. Good! Very usefully! Users of http://lifeasjoke.ru/ will be happy with it!


  151. it’s very nice but it can’t work well on google chrome.
    can u help me?


  152. Nice thing ^^.


  153. Muy interesante manera de como para esos bots. Gracias!


  154. I so needed this! Thanks.


  155. ???????????????


  156. круто!


  157. Спасибо =)


  158. Booo!


  159. My Anus Is Yellow


  160. I AM A ROBOT


  161. ya cool


  162. testing script


  163. I have free viagra and connections to a nice nigerian man that has a lot of money that he wants to give me.


  164. I saw this posted on http://stopforumspam.com forums and I just had to check your site out. Thanks for telling us about it. I haven’t put it on my site at http://kidneykorner.com however because many of my members have sight issues and I worry they would not be able to tell what those tiny images are. In the future is it possible to implement any kind of magnifier as well (perhaps another slider underneath??) Just an idea because this is a good idea you have.


  165. nice system)


  166. ??????????


  167. тест


  168. yup yup


  169. test


  170. When my guru uploaded it to my site it worked perfectly for perhaps a month. Then a botnet likely with a newer version of Xrumer started beating it at will; they “learned” it.

    Looking at it inside the server, there seem to be a number of different image sets, do they change automatically?

    If not, can I change the images?

    Is there any way to “update” it somehow? These spammers are very resourceful, it not longer works, and I know they are bots. Somehow they are beating it.

    What can I do?


  171. Can I try this?

    Check this entry in config.php:

    # angles of images, you should not add additional angles
    $modSettings['notCaptcha']['notcaptcha_angles'] = array(0, 60, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 300);

    Can I try changing some of the angles in that list to different numbers from 0-360 to see if it throws them off, or will it mess up the software?

    I was thinking it might hold them off another month while they program their software to the new angles.

    Perhaps the angles can be changed every few weeks if that works, it might keep them off-guard.

    However, if the software that broke the capcha is programmed with the pics all in the vertical position, it would not work.

    Changing the pics to new ones might work though. They would have to reprogram again.

    Any thoughts by the writer of this script?


  172. test


  173. Nice – that should make the captcha hackers earn their 8c per site!


  174. Очень сильно! Задумка блестящая! (8


  175. I also came across KeyCaptcha and am glad that these are being made but is there any thought toward people with poor eyesight? Will there be a larger version available in the future?


  176. sdf


  177. Cool :D


  178. proviamo


  179. Wow! Amesome idea!


  180. Veri nice captcha.
    But how many pictures it has?


  181. привет


  182. wdwdw


  183. hello!


  184. Cool)) It’s really works )) Thank you very much ))


  185. This anti-spam protection is very good. The author is brilliant. There is a request, the author please sdleay this protection and for DLE


  186. This is a cool feature!


  187. hello world


  188. Gee, what a novel concept. I kept thinking how a handful of hackers cause endless eyestrain and so many reasons not to comment, I am all in. Keep more things like this coming!


  189. Wow! Cool captcha. It’s realy works ) Thank you ))


  190. FANTASTICO!!!


  191. Test NotCaptcha. Thanks.


  192. Любопытно :)


  193. hello world


  194. Hey! You buy my things?


  195. FANTASTICO!!!


  196. Great!


  197. great idea!


  198. Very Interesting. Do you have it for Drupal 6.x or 7.x ??


  199. Я пингвин-я пингвин. Хе-хе-хе


  200. Мне не очень нравится – часто не срабатывает, хотя всё вводишь правильно.


  201. Просто класс!!!


  202. Awesome


  203. asdasd


  204. WoW!!! lol!!! It is a great idea!!!


  205. testing


  206. i am not sure that skript will help


  207. paste


  208. Nice!


  209. I love this add on …what a great idea I love your example of CrazyCaptcha. It’s apparently much harder for anyone to register on that site You really should contact that webmaster and convince them to switch over


  210. Ну, блин вы даёте!


  211. qqq


  212. капча отличное дело для сайта


  213. Nice!


  214. I like it. But why can’t ist just be “click on the vertical image”. The dropdown is easy, but I would like even less hassle :-)


  215. very nice test, good imagination : )


  216. Good one..


  217. Крутой плагин! Спасибо вам за него :)


  218. Hi, I am using Not Captcha on one of my websites: http://SocialAdvertising.org

    So I tried using it and found that the icons were “micro-scopic” and then not there at all. Have you heard of any similar problems?


  219. muchas gracias por la prueba


  220. need that thanks that all


  221. Cool, real no captcha!


  222. captcha test


  223. hello, world!


  224. awesome


  225. is anybody know where i can get like that captcha for phpbb3x ?


  226. cucuuu ^^


  227. Nice


  228. cool


  229. лололо


  230. ehlo


  231. checking system one two three ok


  232. cool, but does it stop people from typing nutsack?


  233. good!


  234. Cool add on!


  235. Cool, I mean nice job guys!


  236. Well I am definitely using this on my next project!



  237. Test


  238. downside up


  239. cool


  240. Beautiful!
    But I don’t like jpeg…
    I like PNG!!


  241. Really cool


  242. Funny pictures


  243. Awesome)


  244. Good! Smart idea!


  245. тилоитлотл


  246. Hello


  247. HI!!


  248. Это работает?


  249. Very nice!


  250. вапваа


  251. And blind people?


  252. Hello


  253. Awesome


  254. Yes … the design is clearly needed to be changed :)
    What would be brighter , nebudu (


  255. Very cool!


  256. test


  257. ПРИВЕТ !!!


  258. если картинок не очень много то ботов научат их распознавать и выставлять


  259. super


  260. Cool, real no-captcha!


  261. nice one


  262. interesting approach, it’s true that a lot of CAPTCHA are getting harder and harder to read.


  263. asdf


  264. 123


  265. “Place this icons vertical” should be “Place these icons vertical”


  266. e


  267. great, but i think image-database must be GREAT too.


  268. Wishing my handsome & gorgeous husband Nhlanhla Ndaba a warm & happy birthday. May the Good Lord be with u & bless u with many more years to come. love you now & for always my Angel.


  269. 48


  270. This year today (June 28) marks another exceptional day and year in my life, I am forever grateful to God for giving me another chance to be a proud mother.
    You are a true promise and I wish God can preserve you for many more years to come. You are special to me and everybody who knows you. We are blessed to have you…

    Happy 2nd birthday Tshepi….O ogole ogole…
    Love mommy Mpho, brother Sbu and daddy Simon


  271. http://ti-ogorodnik.ru/ Офигеть! WOW !


  272. No comment


  273. Cool script =)


  274. Bot testing complete. Success.


  275. Yay, it works!


  276. рррр


  277. Amazing. I like it.


  278. Добрый день! У меня на сайте после установки и активации плагина NotCaptcha, изображения картинок исчезли через неделю, хотя плагин активирован. Пробывала перезагрузить плагин, всё равно изображений нет. Движок сайта эту версию плагина поддерживает. В чём может быть причина? Ответьте, пожалуйста! Просто, эта капча удобнее для посетителей, чем другие и хочется использовать именно этот плагин. СПАСИБО!


  279. Really cool!


  280. Woow


  281. Cool


  282. cool


  283. Ddd


  284. Cпасибо!


  285. gdsdsd


  286. Only test


  287. jecklucka


  288. this is kinda fun


  289. Nice script :)


  290. Hello.Nice..


  291. f


  292. amazing!


  293. Cool human check


  294. probando..


  295. ho-ho-ho


  296. Оставляю коммент и скачиваю плагин. Спасибо


  297. Good!


  298. asdfasf


  299. Отлично придумано!


  300. Hello


  301. nice


  302. Un sistema bien sencillo!


  303. Very cool David.


  304. testing


  305. super!!! recaptcha sucks


  306. Nice ))


  307. tersdfsdfsdfsd


  308. It makes my website really better


  309. (I’m from Russia and I use a translator. He may be incorrect.)
    Finally appeared that completely replaces the captcha. Sometimes the words are there such misunderstandings, which is 10 times to press the update button.


  310. cool


  311. Muyy bien!!!!


  312. great )))


  313. крутая капча! 8)


  314. Testing


  315. RUS:
    Да, самая простая контрольная картинка
    Yes, the simplest control picture


  316. lol


  317. Great plugin? What about php version for another CMS?


  318. Отличный плагин! Но не хватает возможности легко добавить такую проверку в любое место сайта. Надеюсь она появится в ближайшем будущем! А ещё этот плагин не дружит с JQuery Mobile из за использования document.write. Это, конечно, не сложно исправить, но хорошо когда всё без огранки работает :)

    Great plugin! But lack the ability to easily add such a check anywhere on your site. I hope it will appear in the near future! And yet, this plugin is not friendly with JQuery Mobile from the use of document.write. It’s certainly not hard to fix, but when all is well without carving works :)


  319. shit!! thats cool :D


  320. Good looking


  321. Привет уеба


  322. cgfh


  323. cc


  324. I will install this script?


  325. kzkzkz


  326. epic!


  327. классная капча


  328. the best captcha!


  329. самая крутая капча, потащу к себе на сайт, как только понадобится капча.


  330. Забавная идея! Многие люди отказываются от любых действий на сайте после просьбы ввести буковки. а такой способ веселит народ)


  331. A special feature of the script is that user does not have to input any symbols – and it’s very-very usefull and even fanny. So it’s great! ^)


  332. Try #1


  333. cool


  334. fhfhgfjgfhj


  335. asdasd


  336. cool script


  337. zxzx


  338. asdasdasd


  339. 1


  340. I am a machine!


  341. huhu


  342. sdfgfh


  343. navi


  344. Cool


  345. cool!=)


  346. pwet


  347. Hello ! Can i get such script for Joomla ?


  348. ha-ha


  349. Gr8!


  350. COOL!!!!!! VERY VERY !!!!


  351. the best!! Отличная штука!


  352. thank you :)i like it


  353. ;,.mef


  354. ccc


  355. fuck that


  356. Привед, Олег \m/


  357. preved


  358. lkuhgkljhkjhkj


  359. df


  360. fdfg


  361. Прикольно


  362. +100500


  363. Does it work?


  364. Wish there was a simple PHP-based version.


  365. Don’t get it


  366. test


  367. love this captcha


  368. норм)


  369. Test


  370. Прикольно


  371. Превед


  372. Я сделал это р-р-р-ебята!


  373. sdfsf


  374. Cool it


  375. хорошая капча


  376. Hello
    good works fine in english but for my side I have a problem: the Captcha pixs are not displaying if I load a FR translation ????

    I send you an email including the Fr.po …



  377. Let’s try it!


  378. Uhuuuuu!!


  379. Почему на RUcenter не видно капчу


  380. !


  381. this is test


  382. like it ))


  383. Nice…


  384. pppppppppppppp


  385. hello


  386. Not work on wordpress, stupid captcha !


  387. Not Work in Last WordPress version 4.7.3
    Please update)))


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  390. It’s awesome!


  391. Trololo! Test.


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  399. Hello! Are you planning to release NotCaptcha as a separate script?